Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 Welcome to this unit

    2. 1.2 Introducing workplace sustainability

    3. 1.3 What this unit will cover

    4. 1.4 What you’ll learn

    5. 1.5 A note on completing this unit

    6. 1.6 Section 1 quiz

    1. 2.1 Welcome to section 2

    2. 2.2 Understanding factors impacting sustainability

    3. 2.3 Following environmental legislation

    4. 2.4 Adhering to the EPBC Act

    5. 2.5 Understanding environmental regulations

    6. 2.6 Considering international obligations

    7. 2.7 Using environmental standards and codes of practice

    8. 2.8 Interpreting sustainability policies and procedures

    9. 2.9 Understanding Corporate Social Sustainability

    10. 2.10 Applying continuous improvement practices

    11. 2.11 Section 2 quiz

    1. 3.1 Welcome to section 3

    2. 3.2 Assessing organisational compliance

    3. 3.3 How to undertake a compliance audit

    4. 3.4 Understanding organisational systems and processes

    5. 3.5 Sourcing information

    6. 3.6 Reviewing resource usage

    7. 3.7 Analysing current purchasing strategies

    8. 3.8 Analysing current work processes

    9. 3.9 Section 3 quiz

    1. 4.1 Welcome to section 4

    2. 4.2 Identifying opportunities for improvement

    3. 4.3 Evaluating alternative solutions

    4. 4.4 Design new sustainable work practices

    5. 4.5 Setting efficiency targets

    6. 4.6 Preparing an implementation plan

    7. 4.7 Implementation plan template

    8. 4.8 Section 4 quiz

    1. 5.1 Welcome to section 5

    2. 5.2 Implementing new sustainable work practices

    3. 5.3 Monitoring sustainable work practices

    4. 5.4 Referencing standards, guidelines and approaches

    5. 5.5 Implementing and monitoring environmentally sustainable work practices

    6. 5.6 Evaluating strategies and improvement plans

    7. 5.7 Creating an implementation report

    8. 5.8 Implementation report template

    9. 5.9 Making changes

    10. 5.10 Section 5 quiz

    1. 6.1 Welcome to section 6

    2. 6.2 Key takeaways

    3. 6.3 The future of sustainable work practices

    4. 6.4 How to keep your knowledge up to date

    5. 6.5 Congratulations and what’s next

About this course

  • Free
  • 58 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content